トラベル英会話ーTalking about a trip using when
/Hello there everyone!
We will be using clauses in the lessons today and tomorrow so let me explain a little how to use some of them.
For example if you were talking about a trip you’d been on.
There are two main clauses, independent.
I went to thailand.
I was 19.
These are both full sentences, but if you use “when” one of them must become a subordinate clause which means it can’t stand alone as a sentence .
When I was 19,
As you can see the sentence isn’t finished and leaves wondering what happened, but if you add them together they become a full sentence.
When I was 19, I went to Thailand.
I went to Thailand when I was 19.
As you can see if the subordinate clause comes first, it needs a comma, if not then it doesn’t.
Here are a few more examples.
When I got there, it was baking hot.
It was baking hot when I got there.
When I got to my hotel, they said I didn’t have a reservation.
They said I didn’t have a reservation when I got to my hotel.
When the sun came up on the first morning, I was woken up by the early morning call to the mosque.
I was woken up by the early morning call to the mosque when the sun came up on the first morning.
See how it works? Hope it comes in handy.
I went to thailand.(私はタイに行きました。)
I was 19. (19歳でした。)
When I was 19, (私が19歳の時、)
When I was 19, I went to Thailand. (私は19歳の時、タイに行きました。)
I went to Thailand when I was 19. (私は19歳の時、タイに行きました。)
When I got there, it was baking hot.
It was baking hot when I got there.
When I got to my hotel, they said I didn’t have a reservation.
They said I didn’t have a reservation when I got to my hotel.
When the sun came up on the first morning, I couldn’t believe the heat.
I couldn’t believe the heat when the sun came up on the first morning.