【英語学習アドバイス】進捗を追跡する – プロセスに集中すれば、結果は自然とついてくる
この記事では、「10×10グリッド」 というシンプルで効果的な進捗管理法をご紹介します。この方法を使えば、モチベーションを維持し、自分がどれだけ進んできたのかを実感できます。
10×10グリッド法: モチベーションを維持するための視覚的な方法
言語学習の難しさの一つは、進歩がすぐに目に見えないことです。私は日本語を勉強する際、10×10のグリッド を使ってモチベーションを維持しています。このグリッドの各マスは 1時間の学習 を表しており、1時間学習するたびに1マスを埋めていきます。
そのため、今年の目標は 150〜200時間 の学習です。しかし、たとえ100時間しか達成できなかったとしても、ゼロよりはずっと良いのです。
1. プロセスに焦点を移せる
2. 進捗が目に見える
3. 完璧を求めるプレッシャーを取り除ける
人生の中の多くのことと同様、言語学習には波があります。順調に進む日もあれば、挫折しそうな日もあります。でも、グリッドを埋め続ける限り、確実に成長している のです。重要なのは完璧であることではなく、学習を続けること です。今日の努力が、将来必ず成果につながります。
1. 下記グリッドを印刷する(または自作する)
2. 学習時間に含める内容を決める
3. 1時間学習するごとにマスを埋める
深く考えすぎず、「時間を積み重ねること」 に集中しましょう。たとえその瞬間に進歩がどれほど小さく感じられたとしても、一時間一時間が重要です。
4. 進捗を振り返り、達成を祝う
だからこそ、「まだ知らないこと」 を気にするのではなく、グリッドを埋めること に集中しましょう。1時間ずつ、確実に積み重ねていくのです。
ティム マストリス
以下は、日本人が英語を学ぶ際の CEFRレベル に到達するために必要な学習時間の目安です。
積極的に話す・書く・英語に浸る 学習方法を取ることで、より早く習得することが可能です。
Tracking Your Language Learning Progress – Focus on the Process and the Results will take care of themselves
Learning a new language can feel overwhelming at times. No matter how much we study, there will always be more words to learn, grammar rules to refine, and expressions to master. It’s easy to feel like we’re not making much progress, especially when fluency seems so far away. However, instead of constantly worrying about results, what if we shifted our focus to the process itself?
In this blog, I’ll introduce a simple but effective way to track your progress—a 10 by 10 grid—to help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. The idea is simple: as long as you consistently put in the time, the results will take care of themselves.
The 10 by 10 Grid Method: A Visual Way to Stay Motivated
One of the challenges of language learning is that progress isn’t always immediately noticeable. To stay motivated in my Japanese studies, I use a 10 by 10 grid, where each box represents one hour of study. Every time I complete an hour of study, I fill in a box.
I know that 100 hours per year is not enough for me to progress significantly in Japanese (see below for an estimate of how many hours are necessary to reach different levels of English mastery), so my target this year is to study 150–200 hours. But even if I only reach 100 hours, it’s still far better than zero.
By focusing on filling up the grid, rather than stressing about whether I’m improving fast enough, I can create a consistent habit of learning. Over time, this visual representation of my efforts reminds me of how much work I’ve put in, and progress naturally follows.
Why This Works
It Shifts Focus to the Process
Instead of worrying about how fluent you are or how many words you still don’t know—which can sometimes feel discouraging and even lead to giving up—you simply focus on completing your study hours. By prioritizing consistency over perfection, you create a sustainable habit that keeps you moving forward.
It Makes Progress Tangible
Seeing a blank grid at the start might feel discouraging, but as you fill in more and more boxes, you’ll have visual proof of your dedication and effort. Even if you don’t notice immediate improvement, the grid serves as a reminder that progress is happening.
It Removes the Pressure of Perfection
Language learning—like many things in life—is full of ups and downs. Some days you’ll feel great, and other days you might struggle. But as long as you keep filling in the grid, you’ll continue making progress. The key isn’t to be perfect—it’s to keep showing up and trusting that the effort you put in today will pay off in the future.
How to Use the Grid Effectively
Print our Grid (or Make One Yourself)
Decide What Counts as a Study Hour
This can include taking a lesson at Kensington, speaking, listening, reading, writing, or studying vocabulary—whatever helps you improve.
Fill in a Box for Every Hour Completed
Don’t overthink it—just focus on consistently putting in the time. Every hour counts, no matter how small the progress feels in the moment.
Celebrate Your Progress
Once you complete 100 hours, look back at how much you’ve done. Then, start a new grid and keep going!
Trust the Process
It’s natural to feel frustrated with language learning, but the key is to trust the process and keep showing up. The results will come as long as you put in the time. So instead of worrying about what you don’t know yet, focus on filling in those boxes—one hour at a time.
This approach has really helped me stay motivated in my Japanese studies, and I’d be thrilled if it could be useful to others too! If you give it a try, I’d love to hear how it works for you.
Tim Mastoris