日常英会話レッスン -sleep like a baby/ cry like a baby
/Hello there since we are talking about life stages this week I will introduce you to a couple of baby expressions.
Sleep like a baby- sleep well
“ You are in a good mood today!”
“I know, I slept like a baby last night and I feel amazing.”
“ I can’t believe how strongly John feels about football. He cried like a baby when Celtic lost to Rangers in the cup final!”
Hope that comes in handy.
日常英会話レッスン - 日常英会話レッスン ー赤ちゃんのように眠る、赤ちゃんのように泣く
Sleep like a baby- sleep well
“ You are in a good mood today!”
“I know, I slept like a baby last night and I feel amazing.”
“ I can’t believe how strongly John feels about football. He cried like a baby when Celtic lost to Rangers in the cup final!”
=ジョンのフットボールに対しての強い思いが私は信じられない。 セルティックがカップ杯決勝でレンジャーズに敗れたとき、彼は赤ん坊のように泣いた。