“rule of thumb”の意味。情報すべてを信じることはやめましょう。福岡の素晴らしい月曜日の朝に考えること。
/rule of thumbを使って話します。
そういうわけで、“rule of thumb”は覚えておくとよい表現です。これは検証よりも、自分の経験をもとに自分が信じたり、従うルールのことです。
例 A good rule of thumb to remember is that if you are offered something that is good to be true, then it usually isn’t true. (This is not a result of research, it's just something we have learnt through experience)
It’s Monday, September 6th and the time is about 9am. It’s a cool beautiful morning, I’m off and I’m wondering what I should write about. I find it much easier to write in the morning with a clear head so I sat out on my balcony and stared at an empty page for a few seconds before I decided that I should take better advantage of the sunny weather and should best go for a nice walk first.
Hi again! It’s 11:30 and I just sat out on my balcony again with a cup of decaf coffee. A not so interesting piece of information about me is that I have recently switched at least partly to decaf because excessive caffeine consumption seemed to cause me irregular heartbeat and it was actually pretty scary at times. Scary enough that I went to the doctor a couple of times to make sure my heart was ok, it was totally fine and after some time I realized that the cause was the numerous cups of coffee I drank every day. So there you have it, Excessive caffeine consumption may cause irregular heartbeat so please be careful with how much coffee you drink.
Please also remember that I’m not a qualified cardiologist, and have no medical training whatsoever and as such my advice to you about not drinking too much coffee should probably not be trusted in any way, shape and form.
I think a lot of the problems that our society is facing is by people spreading misinformation or lies about very serious issues, ex. Vaccines, masks, politics, global warming etc…. So a good rule of thumb is to only listen to a variety of people with the necessary qualifications and background. For example, if some weird old man is driving around Fukuoka saying through loudspeakers that we shouldn’t wear masks because they cause chronic health trouble as someone actually did last Saturday morning, I think it’s fair to assume that it’s just a crazy old man (there are many!) talking nonsense.
So there you have it, by the way “a rule of thumb” is a good expression to know. It means a rule that you follow which is not based on exact calculations, but rather on experience.
Ex. A good rule of thumb to remember is that if you are offered something that is good to be true, then it usually isn’t true. (This is not a result of research, it's just something we have learnt through experience)
I hope you all have a great start to the week and I hope to see many of you this week in our English classes!