2021年マイベスト- Part 3 読書編
Recently I have been reading quite a bit; I set a target of reading 24 books in 2021 which I have already accomplished (Hurray!!) and I’m about to surpass. Of the 24 books I’ve read so far, only 7 were fiction, 16 were non-fiction and one was a graphic novel based on a real-life story called Persepolis. Persepolis was one of the most amazing things I’ve read, it’s funny, touching and brutally shocking. It’s about the Iranian revolution through the eyes of a young girl (the writer). It’s an absolutely amazing book.
今年読んだノンフィクションの多くをとても楽しみました。アメリカの白人低所得者についての本「Hillbilly Elegy」から、ゼネラル・エレクトリック社の衰退について書かれた「Lights Out」、身体についての「 Seven brief lessons on Physics 」から、 歴史「The Splendid and the Vile」まで、幅広いジャンルの本を読みました。しかし、今年読んだ本の中のベストは「The Spy and the Traitor」で間違いありません。
The Spy and the Traitorは、西洋でとても有名で成功したスパイ達の、冷戦中の実生活の話です。
I really enjoyed most of the non-fiction books I’ve read this year which ranged from books about white poverty in America “Hillbilly Elegy” to the decline of General Electric “Lights Out”, from physics “Seven brief lessons on Physics” to history “The Splendid and the Vile” but the best non-fiction book I’ve read this year must be “The Spy and the Traitor”.
The Spy and the Traitor is the real life story of one of the most famous and successful western spies during the cold war. It’s an astonishing account of an extraordinarily brave double agent. It’s gripping, suspenseful and almost impossible to put down. If you have even the faintest of interests in spy stories you should read this book!
The Spy and the Traitor
いくつかの良いフィクションの本も読みました。「Autumn」は素晴らしく、エチオピアとイタリア間の戦争に関する「The Shadow King」もファンタスティックでしたが、今年読んだ中で、最も良かったフィクションはJames Mcbrideによって書かれた「Deacon King Kong」で、温かく、ちょっとシュールで愉快な話です。数日内に読み終わったところです。
I read some very good fiction books this year too, “Autumn” was great, “The Shadow King” about the war between Ethiopia and Italy was fantastic, but the best fiction book I read this year was “Deacon King Kong” by James Mcbride, warm, slightly surreal and hilarious, I finished it in a couple of days.
Deacon King Kong
How about all of you? What were your favourite books of 2021?